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Request for Qualifications: Elevate Branson Community Village Public Infrastructure Professional Engineering Services

The City of Branson requests qualifications for engineering services relating to construction support and inspection activities, to assist in public improvements project financed with Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds (Project #2019-DP-04). The remainder of the project is being financed by the City’s sub-applicant, Elevate Branson. 

The project consists of the construction of public infrastructure to support the Elevate Branson Community Village in which 48 400-sq ft homes will reside. Public infrastructure in this project includes roads, water distribution, sanitary sewer collection, storm sewers, sidewalks, electrical distribution, lighting, and security fencing. The project is fully designed and the primary construction contractor has been selected. Construction is anticipated to begin in January 2025 and is scheduled for completion within 365 days.

Rozell Engineering was previously contracted by the City to serve as the Project Engineer. Rozell Engineering has completed preliminary design, main design, and bidding support services, however, the firm is unable to complete the remaining services necessary for this project. The purpose of this RFQ is to procure a replacement engineering firm to complete the remaining engineering services for the Elevate Branson Community Village project. Previous reports and design materials from Rozell will be provided to the replacement firm upon selection. If access to previous materials is useful for the purposes of this RFQ, please contact Kelsi Burton for more information.

Remaining engineering services include, but are not limited to, construction support, technical assistance, site visits, inspections, final punch list, and preparation of as-built plans. The firm will conduct a survey of public improvements and two stormwater detention basins to prepare As-Built Plans to be submitted to the City. Engineer will be available for general consultation and interpretation of the plans and specifications during construction. Engineer will visit the site as necessary and observe the progress of construction at intervals during construction of the project. Such observation is not to be construed as supervision of construction, but is a review of the work for general conformance with contract plans. Engineer will review all shop and working drawings. Engineer will participate in the final inspection (included in the visits mentioned above).

Per the original engineering contract, the above services were budgeted for $21,430. The City of Branson will negotiate contract amounts with the most qualified firm once selected.

Information provided to the City must include at a minimum:

1.    The specialized experience and technical competence of the firm with respect to public infrastructure improvements or related work

2.    The capacity and capability of the firm to perform the work in question, including specialized services, within a period of 15 months beginning January 2025

3.    The past record of performance of the firm with respect to such factors as control of costs, quality of work, and ability to meet schedules

4.    The firm’s proximity to and familiarity with the area in which the project is located

5.    References from previous clients of related work with the firm within the past five years

6.    Documentation of compliance with E-Verify requirements

The firm will be selected based on the above qualifications. Once the most qualified firm is selected, the cost for professional engineering services will be negotiated.

The above information should be submitted no later than Friday, January 10, 2025, at 5:00 p.m. via email at For more information, contact SMCOG’s Grants and Environmental Manager, Kelsi Burton, at 417-836-3031 or the email above.

The City of Branson is an Equal Opportunity Employer and invites the submission of proposals from minority, women, and Section 3-owned firms.


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