SMCOG offers many technical and advisory services to members for community betterment.
Our 10 County Service Area

Data and Information
Basic data collection is available to members. SMCOG is an affiliate of the Missouri State Census Data Center. The latest census information is available to both public and private census data users in the region. A planning library housed at MSU's Center for Resource Planning and Management Planning is also available to our members.
Newsletters, brochures, general and special request tracking of state and federal legislation, program regulations, funding sources, and other general information is provided for our members to keep them up date.
Local Planning
Comprehensive Planning for local communities is provided by request. Other services include specialized plans such as park plans. land use studies, sidewalk inventory/assessment, and economic development programs.
Transportation Planning
SMCOG has a cooperative agreement with the Missouri Department of Transportation to provide regional transportation planning services for the entire 10 county service area. The Southwest Missouri Transportation Advisory Committee is an advisory board to the SMCOG board and MoDOT that addresses regional transportation planning issues within the SMCOG area of service.
Funding Searches
SMCOG assists member communities in searching for methods of funding in a variety of projects such as: housing rehabilitation, park planning and development, water and sewer utilities, energy conservation, and economic development.
Members of SMCOG may contract with the Council for computerized mapping services. SMCOG's mapping facilities are located in Missouri State University's Center for Resource Planning and Management, and utilizes up to date mapping software.
Grant Writing and Administration
Grant writing and research services, except for engineering, are available to members. SMCOG also has staff to administer grant projects for local communities.
Economic Development
SMCOG has prepared a regional comprehensive Economic Development Program as a part of forming an Economic Development District in southwest Missouri. Communities in rural counties that are both members of SMCOG and the Economic Development District will have the opportunity to participate in other locally initiated economic development programs.
Workshop Development
SMCOG develops and initiates workshops, seminars and training sessions on a variety of topics of regional interest to Council members.