The City of Greenfield, Missouri requests qualifications for preliminary architectural services, subsequent architectural design services, and construction inspection services, to assist in a proposed public facilities project to be partially financed with Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds. The remainder of the project is being financed by a 20% local cash match contribution toward the project.
The project consists of the revitalization of 19 dilapidated buildings in downtown Greenfield to make them suitable for utilization by local businesses and organizations. Improvements will be focused to enhance the period aesthetics of these buildings to maintain Greenfield’s history and downtown appeal. Repairs and improvements needed for these buildings will include but are not limited to, brick repair and repointing, roof repair or replacement, façade improvements, HVAC improvements, plumbing repairs, electrical repairs, lighting installation, window and door replacement, flooring repair or replacement, structural repairs, and abatement of lead, asbestos, and mold as needed for each of the 19 buildings. A full list of improvements per building and a project location map are available upon request by contacting Kelsi Burton at 417-836-3031 or KelsiBurton@MissouriState.eduÂ
To request an on-site visit and/or inspection of the 19 buildings included in this request, please contact Tim Buford at (626) 399-6852 or via email at You may also contact Missy Netzer for more information at (417) 988-3470 or
Information provided to the City of Greenfield must include at a minimum:
1.      The specialized experience and technical competence of the firm with respect to building revitalization or related work.
2.      The capacity and capability of the firm to perform the work in question, including specialized services. The city will give high preference to firms who can complete pre-award preliminary architectural design services within three months of firm selection. Post-award main design and inspection services, contingent on successful grant award, are anticipated to utilize a three-year performance period.
3.      The past record of performance of the firm with respect to such factors as control of costs, quality of work, and ability to meet schedules.
4.      The firm’s proximity to and familiarity with the area in which the project is located.
5.      References from previous clients of related work with the firm within the past five years.
6.      References and experience on CDBG funded projects.
7.      Documentation of compliance with E-Verify requirements.
The firm will be selected based on the above qualifications. It is also preferred that a cost estimate be provided for the preliminary architectural report. Once the most qualified firm is selected, a cost for preliminary architectural services will be negotiated separately from the cost for architectural design. Contracting for these two activities shall occur separately and costs/payments associated with each will be clearly defined. Contracts executed for architectural design and construction inspection services shall be contingent upon the award of the grant and commitment of all project funds.
The above information should be submitted no later than Friday, February 7, 2025 at 5:00 p.m. via email to or by mail or parcel services to Greenfield City Hall, 105 S Grand St. Greenfield, MO 65661. For more information, contact Greenfield City Clerk, Mark Davis at (417) 637-2532.
The City of Greenfield is an Equal Opportunity Employer and invites the submission of proposals from minority, women, and Section 3-owned firms.