SMCOG Board Meeting
Wednesday, May 27, 2020, 9:00 a.m.
Virtual meeting via Zoom
SMCOG Meeting, Wednesday, May 27, 9:00 to 10:00 AM.
Please participate through the Zoom platform if possible so we can more accurately record attendance. Those who call in will be asked to identify themselves.
Voting members will be asked to remain muted until a vote is needed, at that time each voting member will need to unmute themselves for a verbal vote, then mute themselves again.
Staff will mute attendees who fail to do so on their own which may result in your inability to unmute yourself at a later time during the meeting.
Suggested option: Join using the Zoom desktop or mobile app by clicking this link:
Meeting ID: 536 444 0829
Password: 1989
To join using your mobile phone with ‘One Tap Mobile Dialing’
+13126266799,,5364440829# US
To join using your telephone:
+1-312-626-6799 US
Meeting ID: 536 444 0829
Password: 1989
Any member needing technical assistance during the meeting may call or text Megan Clark at 913-731-6301 or Brandon Jenson at 417-838-9296.