Request for Qualifications: Indian Point Stormwater Management and Improvement Plan CDBG Project
The Southwest Missouri Council of Governments (SMCOG) requests qualifications for professional engineering services to assist in the development of a stormwater management and improvement plan for the Village of Indian Point. Services requested include a Hydrologic and Hydraulic analysis of existing Village infrastructure and development of a stormwater management and improvement plan. These services are to be financed with U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) money provided through the Missouri Department of Economic Development’s (MODED) Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program.
The stormwater management and improvement plan will:
Analyze existing infrastructure throughout the village and propose new mitigation measures, resiliency strategies, and public safety considerations to protect essential infrastructure, residential structures, and business developments from flooding hazards.
Present potential funding mechanisms for the proposed improvements.
Outline the major steps necessary to implement the proposed improvements to guide the Village.
The successful firm may provide the following services including, but not limited to:
Hydrologic and Hydraulic analysis of existing Village infrastructure;
Provide a draft stormwater management and improvement plan to include:
Identified and prioritized areas of localized flooding for analysis; and
Potential solutions to the localized flooding in prioritized areas;
Facilitate three public meetings, one orientation meeting prior to plan development, one to present findings and collect public feedback, and one to present the final plan for comments and adoption;
Document public meetings with notices; and
Prepare a final stormwater management and improvement plan.
Information provided to SMCOG must include at a minimum:
A description of the firm including the company’s size, location, nature of work performed, and the company’s approach to meeting the Village’s needs for the project
The specialized experience and technical competence of the firm with respect to storm water system improvements or related work
The capacity and capability of the firm to perform the work in question, including specialized services
The past record of performance of the firm with respect to such factors as control of costs, quality of work, and ability to meet schedules
The firm’s proximity to and familiarity with the area in which the project is located
References from previous clients of related work with the firm within the past five years
Documentation of compliance with E-Verify requirements
The firm will be selected based on the above qualifications. Once the most qualified firm is selected, the cost for a professional engineering report will be negotiated.
The above information should be submitted no later than August 5, 2024, at 5:00 p.m., at 110 Park Central Square, Springfield, MO 65806 or via email at For more information, contact SMCOG’s Grants Administrator, Kelsi Burton, at 417-836-3031 or the email above.
SMCOG is an Equal Opportunity Employer and invites the submission of proposals from disadvantaged, minority, and women-owned firms.